Monday, November 12, 2007

Taking a look-see

So here I am. Blogging. Always have thought this is kind of a goofy concept, but recently I have been thinking it would be nice to start "writing" down some of the happenings. My wifey, Nicole is currently searching diligently for a photo to be used on my blog, which if we uploaded it correctly should be there now. That is a pic of me at Disneyland!! We went this past month to celebrate Nikki's birthday. How about another snapshot or two of our adventure? Ok!

So, while seeing the see's and doing the do's of Universal Studios, we ran across home boy here who was clearly starting something. Thankfully for Hulk, Nicole was able to calm me down. More photos you say...

Okay, apparently this Native American was also picking a fight with me. Oddly enough, this pic was taken during our honeymoon trip to Disneyland nearly 3 years ago. Apparently my sense of humor hasn't eveolved much since then. That's ok, what was funny then, is still funny now. Alright, one last photo of Disneyland...until I can download more that is. Nicole and I don't really believe in going on vacation unless it is to Disneyland. I tried to take Nicole to Laughlin once a few months ago for a weekend (you know, so we didn't wear out our welcome at the Happiest Place on Earth)...anyway, it ended up being a total bust. Our hotel was shaped like a giant steamboat, which sounds cool, but when it comes at a staggering cost of $49/night...well let's just say you get what you pay for. Anyway, long story short, I learned my lesson, mended my ways, and have accepted that I will never see another vacation destination as long as I live, or at least as long as Nicole lives. :o)

This is me and my boy Jordan down at the Bellagio fountains. The fountains are like the White House of Las Vegas. Now, what I mean by that is that in my brain, if you live in D.C. then when people come to visit you, they ALWAYS want to see the White House. I don't know if that is true or not, I just like to pretend that it is. Anyway, if you haven't connected the dots yet, my point is that we make our way down to see the dancing water anytime we have visitors. Good times though. Nothing like the old h2O ballet.

Anyway, that should do it for now I think. This entry really doesn't have a point. Just getting things started

1 comment:

f said...

welcome to the blogging world honey!!